Leadership Team Foundation

This engagement puts in place the foundational building blocks that enable a leadership team to significantly improve their performance and working relationships. The engagement includes:

  • A battery of best-practices assessments that help each team member gain self-knowledge and understand other team members
  • A two-day leadership retreat that incorporates:
    1. Skill building
    2. Facilitated conversation to discuss the team’s toughest issues
    3. Observation of the team doing real work
    4. Feedback for individuals and the team
    5. Creation of a team contract
  • Individual team member debrief meetings
  • Follow up session with the team to discuss what has changed and determine areas for further development

Typical areas for coaching include:

  • Defining your team and organizational goals and strategies
  • Clarifying roles and accountabilities
  • Improving communication and feedback
  • Honing quality and speed of decision making
  • Identifying patterns that hold your team back
  • Identifying sources of conflict or disagreement and developing specific strategies to address them
  • Creating alignment among key players on strategy and execution priorities
  • Building trust among team members

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